The Bundle of Pencils
Maitreya had a Spiritual Family of a dozen Maitreyians,
as these were the most devoted and faithful to him over the years.
His Maitreyians often squabbled and bickered amongst
themselves over who was right and thus, never got anything done towards the
accomplishment of Maitreya’s Divine Holy Mission of bringing forth Divine
Critical Mass in the world and saving humanity from self-destruction.
Maitreya was determined to teach His Maitreyians how
the darkness within them caused them not to take action towards His Holy
Purpose and Mission
as it saddened him greatly to watch His Maitreyians argue while humanity
suffered without God’s New Covenant and Supreme Promise.
He asked them to bring a bunch of pencils. Then, in
succession, Maitreya asked each Maitreyian to break the bundle of pencils
into pieces. Each Maitreyian came forward, took the bundle of pencils and
tried with all their might to break them, but not one of them could break
Having watched this, Maitreya then took the bundle of
pencils and opened them up and placed one pencil in each of their hands. He
instructed them to break the pencils into pieces – snap, snap, snap, they
easily broke the pencil that Maitreya handed to them.
Maitreya then said to them, “You are my Holy Community
of Enlightened Faithful Believers. If you are united in me in Spirit, Heart
and Mind and work together and keep that bond between yourselves you will be
uninjured by the Force of Darkness. But, if you remain divided amongst
yourselves, you will surely fail.
The Lesson: Having Faith in Maitreya along with
fidelity and allegiance to Him gives us strength to defeat the Force of
Darkness and carry our Holy Cause to Victory in the world to secure the
continued survival of humanity.
Such is that Union
in Maitreya gives us Strength.
The Parable of the Fog and the Windshield
Wintertime was passing and every morning Ms. Monitor
would get in her old ’67 Chevy, the windshield filled with dew from the
night before and fog clinging in the air.
Rrrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, went the
engine, turned over and click – on went the windshield wipers to remove the
dew so she could see out her window as she began her long, slow commute to
Click, click, click, click, click, click, back n’
forth, back n’ forth went the windshield wipers. The battle ensued between
the fog on the windshield that would disappear with each swipe of the
blades. No defroster, just the wipers.
“Darn, I’m going to be late for work” complained Ms.
Monitor, “the fog is persistent this morning and no matter how fast my
wipers go, they just won’t clear the dew and fog on my window so I can see.”
The battle raged on between the fog and the wipers,
struggling back and forth, trying to defeat the fog which now blanketed her
entire view, even on the sides. “I’m just going to have to pull over until
this fog list and be late for work” thought Ms. Monitor. “Why today of all
days when I have my annual review and the future of my livelihood depends on
As she got more and more frustrated, realizing she had
no other solution to the fog, then all of s sudden, someone, a stranger she
never seen before, and living in Transit, Kansas for over 40 years in the
tiny suburban town, everyone knew everyone, so Ms. Monitor was quite
surprised as she did not recognize this stranger, he pulled up beside her in
this plain old nondescript car, rolled down his window, seeing the trouble
she was in and said, “Ma’am follow me, I will show you the way out of the
fog and get you safely to your destination.”
“Yes, yes” Ms. Monitor stammered in awe at the
graciousness of this total stranger, whom for some reason she couldn’t call
a stranger as it was like she knew him all her life. “I will follow you.
Thank you. Thank you.” And Ms. Monitor followed the man and as she drove the
fog went away, her windshield cleared and saw that it was going to be a
bright sunny day.
Moral of the Story: We are all like the
windshield, essentially clear without obstructions and like the fog came in
to cover Ms. Monitor’s windshield, so does our True Self which is One and
Identical with God and no other. The fog is all our troubles, problems daily
life concerns that keep our True Self away from us until we can’t do
anything but deal with all material and worldly concerns.
It is not until that man, who is Maitreya The Friend of
All Souls comes along who knows the way Home to God by having been in
Perfect Final Union with God, take you out of your darkness, your false
ego-self, and you Follow Him (as did Ms. Monitor) will you get out of the
darkness into the sunshine which is God, your One and Only True Self.
Like Ms. Monitor who could find no way to clear the fog
or a way out of the fog and followed the man who came to help her, you too
can follow Maitreya The Friend for your own Salvation and Liberation and to
secure the continued survival of humanity.
So is The Parable of The Fog and The Windshield.
The Parable of The Blender
One day Frank purchased a blender, brought it home and
thought, “Hmm, what should I make with this new blender?” He looked in his
fridge and saw all these wonderful ingredients, strawberries, blueberries,
bananas, vanilla flavored ice-cream and they were all so tasty individually
and alone.
But to blend, he needed a base to start with and there
it was bland ole milk – yes milk makes a proper base to use. So he poured a
bunch of milk into the blender. Whirr, whirr, whirr, - whirr, whirr, whirr.
He pulled out the lovely strawberries, red and ripe bursting with flavor.
Plop, plop, plop went the strawberries – turned that milk pink, then plop,
plop, plop went the blueberries blending in and becoming part of the mix. Oh
and then those ripe sweet bananas, yellow in color, plop into the blender
making the drink thick and cool.
Frank stopped the blender and satisfied with his
mixture poured it into a chilled glass. Oh, how it frothed and bubbled with
freshness and pow! One sip and he was vitalized and energized, putting a big
ole smile on his face. “Well, worth the work to take all my favorite fruits
and blend them into this amazing drink!” If a drink could uplift his spirits
this did. If you think of how someone or something finding a cure for cancer
would uplift one’s spirits, it were the same with this drink Frank made, he
was so uplifted you would think he found the cure for cancer.
It was not until all the ingredients with their own
special, unique flavor was merged and blended into the milk base did they
become something tasteful, healthful.
So we, as Souls are like these separate fruits and
until we receive Maitreya’s Holy Initiation and blend into Him do we become
something greater and better. And just as the drink uplifted Frank much like
one having the cure for cancer, so it is that a Soul who receives Maitreya’s
Holy Initiation and follows Him to the end of their life will receive God’s
Promise of Perfect Final Union with Him and be set free forever to not have
to suffer, sorrow or die anymore.
Moral of the Story: To become something greater
(God) you must give up your small self.