By the Will and Grace of The One Universal God and Maitreya The Friend
If I Can Do It, You Can Do It
Helping people is my calling. To do good. To change the
world. To relieve people from suffering, grief and sorrow and the cruelties
of the world. To make a world where people truly care for another and put
others before themselves. I found it! Maitreya Enlightened me withThe Gift
of His Holy Initiation. My life changed. I changed! I have the Light of God
within me. No more division. Freedom is at hand! The chains are severed and
the Light has dawned. I can give this amazing Gift of Enlightenment to you.
And you to another and another. The Light of God will spread. Nothing can
stop it – nothing. I can do this. You can do this. We can do this. It
is so easy. It is so beautiful to set another person free. When God’s Light
covers this world, we will change the world! This is my place in the world.
This is what I am meant to do. This is what you are meant to do. Nothing
will stop us or defeat us. Save humanity. Give Maitreya’s Holy Initiation.
Light up this world. If I can do it, you can do it!
- Shanti Devi
You are the spark. You are The Light from Maitreya’s Holy
Initiation. Nothing can stop you. You light up another person by passing on
the spark - from you to them. They ignite another and they another.
Brighter and brighter. One by one we will Light up this world. So bright -
like a wildfire. Once the Fire of God's Pure Truth gets going nothing can
stop it. Maitreya ignited that spark of True Enlightenment within me. I give
it to you. You become another Light. Together we destroy the darkness in
this world. You give it to another and they to another. We will cover this
world with God’s Light. No worldly power or person can stop True
Enlightenment. We will prevail for God and Good. Like a wildfire takes hold,
together we will change the world!
- A Maitreyian
The Tipping Point
Is man good or evil? Who will win? Darkness or Light?
Good or bad? What is to become of this world? Where is my place in it? These
questions weighed heavy on my heart and mind. Then Maitreya woke me up to
the Truth of who I really am. I am One with God. You are One with God.
People are good at their Essence. Knowing my Oneness with God and all
people, joy and bliss fill me. Together we are a Force for good to change
the world. I have the cure. I can give it to you. We can change the world
and tip the scales one person at a time. It’s that simple. Maitreya
gives us hope for Humanity. He gives us the most precious and world changing
Gift of the True Enlightenment of His Holy Initiation. Receive it! Pass it
on! We will reach the tipping point and Good will conquer Darkness.
- A Soldier of The Light
My eldest son Jayden at six years old kept
telling me that he has seen "the guy with the ponytail" in
his dreams and he talks to him a lot. He says they would sometimes
talk about how his day at school went. Before he mentioned Maitreya
being in dreams, Jayden and I had a conversation in the
kitchen. Jayden told me
that when you die, you go up into the clouds and live there with
lots of other people. He said other things I can't remember word for
word. Then I asked him, where did you get this from Jayden? Who did
you learn this from? Then he says, "The guy with the ponytail." Then
I said, "Oh ok, the man that lives in that one house mommy sang
for of Memorial Day?" He said yes. Jayden says Maitreya is living in the clouds. I think it's so awesome that Maitreya
has a connection with Jayden. Jayden every now
and then asks questions about God that I sometimes don't know how to
answer in a way he could understand. I was surprised when Jayden was
explaining to me what happens to a person after they have passed and
that he had learned it from Maitreya.
Oh andJayden says Maitreya and he play rock, paper, scissors. Jai Bhagavan Ji -
I just wanted to tell you that Jayden was explaining to Marabel and me
that Maitreya was talking to him in his dreams. He describes Maitreya as
the "Guy with the ponytail that we hung out with at the coffee shop".
said that the two of them have been talking about school and that Maitreya wanted to say "Hello" and that he will be around.
Jai Bhagavan Ji - Ahasi
He speaks to me in my dreams often. He is with us.
- Anglan
- Matthew
The other evening I was lying in bed trying to
rest after work. I was very, verysad, missing Maitreya terribly as he had left this world for the
Spiritual Realm and the Hearts of All People.All of a sudden, I felt Maitreya's arm around me, comforting me.It was a most beautiful moment, and relieved my grief and sorrow.
Maitreya told us he would be with us always.And when I needed him, he was there. I didn’t feel alone any more
that evening and was so blessed by his Presence.
One evening when I
was doing my Inner Divine Communion, I became aware that (my) arms were
open and up like Maitreya’s in the opening picture on one of our web
pages. Only
thing was, they weren’t my arms at all. They were Maitreya’s. I saw
arms, but I could only see and feel as though they were Maitreya’s. I
had no sense or feeling that they were my arms. And I realized that he
was there with me.It is so
wonderful to know he is with us. I love these moments with him.
12th of Service 60 AF(August 12, 2012)
For days I had been wondering if Maitreyais "feeling" anything now that He is in the Spiritual Realm. That
night I went to sleep and I woke up with an overwhelming sense of my
entire Being completely immersed in Love.It was a big, Universal Love, not a small one-to-one Love.It was the kind of love I’ve had a few moments or glimpses of
this "Bliss," in various meditations and Darshans with Maitreya over the
years. I asked Maitreya, “is this where you are all the time now, not
just love for me, but this Love for All Beings?” He said Yes. He let me knowthis was a very deep love and compassion for all Souls and it is
the state He is in now.
19th of Service 60 A.F.Joy Day Sanctuary
(August 19, 2012)
We only had a few Sanctuaries since Maitreya has
passed out of this world - and most filled with grief - but this day, we
did the more "formal" Inner Divine Communion.When we "called upon The Friend to join us" - there was a "Whoosssh"
feeling and it was as if I saw quickly in my mind's eye:Maitreya The Friend DID come down the stairs, break open the
doors and Whoosh! He was There! He was with us!And the feeling was like he was almost impatient, like he was
saying "About time you asked me, here I am"!It felt very quick and real and very present.I saw Maitreya in White clothes (not yellow for whatever reason).
He stood before the Holy Shrine and opened the Sanctuary. And Ila and I
said at the same time, "He is here," and we both started crying but it
was a mixture of sadness and joy to be in Maitreya’s Presence.
5th of Justice 60 AF(Oct. 5, 2012)
I again asked Maitreya “what are you doing now, are you okay?” And he
showed me that he does not feel any “lower” emotions any more, but only
the “higher” state of being now.
I then saw him bending over and picking up a small furry animal and
helping it cross over into the Spiritual Realm. I got the feeling that
Maitreya is “busy” helping Souls but is waiting to help more.
I was doing my prayers one
afternoon, feeling lost and sad.
Through my tears, Maitreya said, "I am everywhere now, and in
everything. Look for me There."
So I began to look. And I began to see. I saw
Maitreya in the fountain below my office, and in the air, and in the
people walking across the street. I did not see a picture of Maitreya, I
saw the Essence of Him. Then, I looked up into the sky, and saw this - a
beautiful symbol of Maitreya's Path Home to God, that Maitreya had laid
before me. Jai Bhagavan Ji!
Jai Bhagavan Ji! - Ila
Call Now!
One morning I was doing my Inner Divine
Communion and was all settled in. The Ashram was still. The cats were all
full of breakfast and lazy. While I was chanting the Holy Dharma Mantra,
"Jai Bhagavan Ji!" , out of nowhere, but somewheres, I heard Maitreya say,
"Call him now" referring to a dear friend of his on my "call list" (I make
lists so I don't forget who I want to call.) My first thought was "Oh no,
not now, I'm just doing Inner Divine Communion and I just got into the right
space and mind!"
So I continued chanting the Holy Dharma
Mantra out loud. "Call him NOW," Maitreya commanded me this time! Again I
hesitated. I didn't want to stop my peaceful religious worship service. But
it was Maitreya, and He was adamant that I call our friend now. Finally I
surrendered and stopped my Inner Divine Communion.
I went to the phone and after only 2 rings
and our friend said "Hello." Mind you, this friend is very hard to get a
hold of, and I usually have to leave a message for him. I told him how
Maitreya insisted I call him NOW, and right in the middle of my Inner Divine
Communion! Our friend said, "This is the perfect time. I am the only one in
the building today. Please thank Maitreya for me." Which I did
as soon as I got off the phone.
This particular friend of Maitreya's often
went to Maitreya's website for His words of wisdom, solace and
comfort. Maitreya helped him through a very difficult divorce he was going
through. And he always said to Maitreya after he'd have lunch with Him how
Maitreya made him feel so much better and happier and how Maitreya made his
day. Now, from the Spiritual Realm, Maitreya once again made his day by
insisting that I CALL NOW! Jai Bhagavan Ji!
- Shanti -
16 Justice 61 A.F. 9:00 a.m.
Maitreya is always talking to me and teaching me within the Secret Inner
Sanctuary of my Heart. And most abundantly while I am immersed in Inner
Divine Communion with Him. Even though He is no longer here with us in body,
like in life, he is constantly reminding me when I stray from the Path. The
other day Maitreya said:
"Do not forget the suffering
of Humanity - that is why I came back here and it is why I am now in The
Spiritual Realm and not with God. Enjoy yourself - talk about the beauty
of life - but do not forget that all of life ends in death. And
suffering, sorrow, and death fill the lives of most of my people. Do not
become blind and deaf to their cries. In your joy do not forget the
suffering of others. My greatest work was not done in the body, but in
the Spirit when I gave up my own Perfect Final Union with God for the
sake of all Souls and made my Supreme Self Sacrifice and won God's New
Covenant and Supreme Promise for all Souls. You have the way out of
suffering, sorrow and death, for all of Humanity. Never forget that."
This website, and all of its contents, including pictures, videos, content, etc. is copyright 2022, Maitreya The Friend of all Souls - all Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be used or duplicated without the express written permission of Kaivalya International.