The Miracle of The Squirrels
Maitreya loved all animals. He loved kitties and lions.
He loved gophers and squirrels. He loved crows and tigers. He loved them
all. He taught us to perform Five Daily Sacrifices and one of them was the
Sacrifice to the Animals. Each day Maitreyians are to find some way to feed,
shelter or otherwise care for the creatures of this earth.
One day a little squirrel began coming to Kaivalya (Maitreya's home
and Sanctuary.) Each day Maitreya would talk to the squirrel and
feed it peanuts.
Gradually the little squirrel got closer and
closer, until one day she was eating out of Maitreya's hand.

They had many intimate conversations.

After Maitreya passed away and
ascended into the Spiritual Realm, Mrs. Squirrel kept coming
around. Soon she was eating out of our hands.

And on our laps.
Then one day
Mrs. Squirrel disappeared. Every day we called for her and shook
the can of nuts. But she didn't answer. Then one afternoon Tara
heard a strange noise coming from our porch. We didn't think
much of it. It sounded like a bird. A strange bird - but a bird.
But the sound kept up. Tara felt an urging to go outside and see
what was going on. She opened to the front door and clinging to
the wall on the side of our house was a tiny, baby squirrel.
She called me, Ila, to come and see the baby squirrel. By
the time I got outside the squirrel was hunched up in a corner
near our house, making a strange hacking noise. It sounded like
it was either sick, or like our kitties, had a hairball. I ran
inside and got some hairball medicine and put it on a paper
plate. Tara got the can of nuts. The baby squirrel didn't want
either. We began to think that it was sick and might die. We put
a box outside, on its side, with a blanket in it, so the
squirrel could climb inside and get warm. We didn't know what to
do with a sick baby squirrel. Maybe its mama would come for it
and it would be all right. Maybe it would die right there on
our front porch. We left it be and went inside.
Inside I
began to think. What would Maitreya do if he were here? He
surely wouldn't just go inside and let the poor squirrel fend
for itself. Suddenly a glimmer of Divine Insight struck me (I am
a little slow on the uptake.) The Internet! Maitreya would go on
the Internet and find someone who could help us. I began
scouring the Internet for "Squirrel Rescue" "Animal Rescue"
anything I could find. After about a half hour search and a
number of phone calls, I finally found a woman named Marcia, who
lives in Malibu, who has dedicated her life to saving baby
squirrels! Marcia said that noise the baby was making wasn't a
hairball, he was crying for his mother! She said this time of
year the mothers often get hit by cars and don't make it back to
their nests. And that when they don't come back their babies
often fall out of their nests, or climb out looking for their
mothers. On Marcia's advice we wrapped the baby up in a blanket,
put a warm pad next to him, and rushed him up to a woman named
Jackie in Palos Verdes who worked with Marcia and was only a
mile away!

Shanti showed him his new home and
named him Buster. Soon Buster was safe and warm at Jackie's
Jackie told us to be sure to look around our
house, because usually squirrels had 2-3 babies at a time. There
were sure to be more babies looking for their mother.
went home and called and called, but no babies answered.
Then the next day Tara came home from work and was about to pull
into the driveway when he saw something little and furry in the
driveway. It was another baby squirrel! This one was a little
smaller and skinnier than the first, and had some blood on his
foot. It looked like he may have fallen out of the huge palm
tree that sits next to our driveway. Tara rushed the baby inside
and this time, knowing what to do, we got the box and the
blanket and the heating pad, and an eye dropper of water. We
called Jackie right away, but oh no! She was about to go on
vacation and couldn't take any more squirrels. But, she had a
friend who also helped Marcia take care of the babies. Tara
called Shirley, who lives in Manhattan Beach (only 15 minutes
away) and she said, "Don't hesitate, bring her right away!" So
we piled into the car with Penelope and raced to Shirley's
house. When we got there Penelope turned into Petey (Shirley
knew how to tell) and all was well!

And Petey was hungry!
We got home tired, but happy.
By following Maitreya's example, and with the help of some
wonderful women, we had saved two squirrels from certain death.
We pulled into the driveway and heard a screeching noise
coming from the top of our 40 foot palm tree. It got louder and
louder. There was another baby squirrel in the tree and we had
to do something. Again, I thought, "What would Maitreya do?" He
certainly would do all he could, the best he could. I knew that.
That was how he taught us to live and that is how he lived his
life. I called the fire department. They said they couldn't risk
the safety of their firefighters for a baby squirrel high up in
a tree. Shanti was at her CERT class and talked to the fire
fighters there. They said they would have helped, but their
bucket lift was out of commission. We called animal control and
a very nice guy came out who, if he could, would have helped us.
But there was no way to get up into that huge palm tree. It was
just too high. We went to bed that night thinking of the poor,
dying baby squirrel in our tree and praying for an answer.
The next morning, while in Inner Divine Communion with God
and Maitreya, Maitreya said to Shanti, "Who do you know that
goes up in trees?" When Maitreya was alive, that is the way he
helped us think. He almost always asked us questions. He rarely
just gave us the answer. It took Shanti a few seconds, and she
had it! Our tree trimmer Dave! We could call Dave and see if he
would come over and help save the baby squirrel.
There were no more cries coming from the tree. Either the
baby was already dead, or just clinging to his life. We knew we
had to act quick. Tara was off work that day so she took it upon
herself to call Dave and any and all tree trimmers she could get
a hold of. By noon Dave hadn't called her back and none of the
tree trimmers were willing, even if we paid them, to come and
rescue a baby squirrel. We were desperate. From work I began
calling heavy machinery companies to see if we could rent a
chair lift. I finally found one for $500 but the rental company
said they would just drop it off and pick it up, no one would
help us figure out how to use it. The baby wasn't crying anymore
and we thought it might be dead. Were we going to pay the $500
and take our chances?
Meanwhile Tara was at home. Having
called everyone she could think of, and not having heard back
from Dave, she surrendered. Maitreya always taught us to do all
that we can the best we can, and then surrender the results to
God. Tara, having done all she could, the best she could, was at
the point of total surrender.
Within 5 minutes of her
surrendering Tara's phone rang. It was Dave! He apologized for
not getting back with her sooner, but he was on a job all day.
He was in the area and he would be right over. Soon Dave was up
in the lift and looking for the squirrel. He shouted to Tara, "I
think I found it!." Dave reached into the depths of the tree and
pulled out a little body. He brought it down to Tara. The baby
squirrel didn't move. They tried to open its eyes and moves its
The baby squirrel lay there, limp and lifeless.
Dave said, "I'm sorry. I guess we were just a little too late."
In tears, Tara thanked him and asked him how much he would
charge. Dave wouldn't take any money.
Tara went inside
and called me. She said, "We got it, but we think its dead. But
I am still going to try to do what I can." She got an eye
dropper with some warm Gatorade (I had read that absent
electrolyte drinks give dehydrated baby squirrels Gatorade.) I
told her we have to call on Maitreya to save the squirrel and
flow The Power for Good that can do No Harm to the baby, with
all of our might. The Power is one of The Four Treasures we
receive with Maitreya's Holy Initiation. I texted Shanti and
told her the baby was barely alive, if at all, and to flow the
Power. We began to flow The Power with all our hearts. Tara fed
the baby some Gatorade. Then, suddenly Tara said, "I think it
moved! Yes he just moved his leg! I think he is alive!" I said,
"Get him up to Shirley right away!" Tara shouted, "Yes, yes,
he's alive. He's alive!"
Shanti and I continued to flow
The Power while Tara rushed the baby, who Shanti named Percival,
to Shirley's.
Over the next week we called Shirley 3 to 4
times a day to see how Percival was doing. Every time we called
Shirley said he was getting a little stronger. Eventually he was
so strong that he would fight her when she tried to feed him.
Shirley named Percival "Mr. Miracle."
In the meantime
Marcia picked up Buster from Jackie's house, and she brought him
over to Shirley's so the three brothers could be reunited.

We went to visit them at Shirley's and they are all happy,
healthy, and getting fat.
We will never forget the
miracle of the squirrels. Everything that Maitreya taught us
came to play in rescuing these creatures. Everything. Without
his example over the thirty years that we had the blessing of
being with him, we would never have persevered. We would have
given up from the beginning. Maitreya always taught that Works
and Grace go hand in hand. And that you should do everything you
can, all you can, the best you can, and then and only then ask
for God's Grace.
That is when Miracles happen.
with the help of three wonderful and amazing ladies, Marcia,
Jackie and Shirley, who have dedicated their lives to saving
these creatures, these and many more squirrels now have a chance
to live, and will eventually be released back into our yard and
others, to find their way in the world, as squirrels do.
You can visit Marcia's website and see more squirrels and even
practice one of The Five Daily Sacrifices by helping to feed and
care for the squirrels by going to:
For live
videos of squirrels and other of God's creatures, go to:
Jai Bhagavan Ji!