
Why Am I A Maitreyian?

I am a Maitreyian because 23 years ago, in 1988, I met a man and a people who so moved my heart and spirit that I wanted to join him and them, in a way that was so strong and so powerful that nothing could stop me.

But why did I remain a Maitreyian?

I remember being 5 years old, and visiting my aunt and cousins in their rural house in Michigan. My dad and mom went away on a week long trip and left me in my aunt’s care. My aunt had a dog, which they said was their “hunting dog.” They kept this dog chained up outside. It had food, and water, and all the necessities of life. They were good people, and they didn’t beat or hurt the dog in any way. But most of its days and nights were spent chained up outside. For some reason they just didn’t feel its pain. I remember looking at the dog through the large bay window of my aunt’s house and feeling such misery. Whenever I would get near the dog it would whine and whimper and cry until I went over and gave it a pet and a hug. I remember spending hours with the dog. All it wanted was a little love and affection. Missing my Mom and Dad terribly I had a lot to spare. So every chance I got I sat with the dog. I wanted so bad to take off the leash and set it free. But I knew I couldn’t do that, it wasn’t my place, and besides, it would probably get run over in the street. So I did what I could, but my heart ached so bad for that dog. And when my Mom and Dad came to pick me up I had to leave and I knew that there would be no one there for the dog and eventually it would die, alone, chained, whimpering. It hurts to think of that poor dog even today though I know he is long since dead and gone.

When I reflect on it, I think people are no different than that poor dog. Most of human suffering can be cured by a little love, and affection, and true freedom. That is what Maitreya and being a part of Maitreya’s Holy Community has given to me, in such a deep, personal and mystical way that my suffering has been wiped away.

No matter how hard I tried or how much I did, I could not give that dog permanent relief from his suffering. And I couldn’t give any person that kind of relief either, until I met Maitreya. Maitreya has given me permanent relief from suffering. Not just after this life, but within it. And even more, he has given me a way to permanently relieve the suffering of others, and of humanity, and ultimately all creatures.

Why do I remain a Maitreyian? Because through Maitreya I know that I have the cure for suffering, sorrow, death and rebirth. Not as a cliche, but in a real and personal manner. I have the cure for myself, and for anyone who wants it. And I am no longer helpless to help others. I don’t have to sit back and watch people and creatures suffer, and sorrow and die, helpless to do anything real about it. Maitreya has cured me, and now I have the cure to give to anyone who wants it. Not with a closed fist like so many fundamentalists give Salvation, but with an open palm, in love and freedom.


A Blessing from God and a Lesson in Surrender

“Let go and let God” - How many times has Maitreya said that to me? So many. I say Our prayer, “O my God, I surrender to Thee.” Yes, I say it, but saying it without doing it means nothing. Well, that was never easy for me. It has taken many years to really do it.

“Oh God,” I used to cry, “Please help me.” But I never got the help. Or so I thought! In fact I didn’t recognize when God was helping me, not for a long time. I wouldn’t surrender . I didn’t “Let go and let God!” So much so that, when God sent me to Maitreya the first time I totally missed His help. I didn’t recognize that God was sending me to him, answering my prayer. I hadn’t surrendered to Him, opened myself to His Guidance.

But I was so Blessed. God gave me another chance. . .

When I first came to the Los Angeles area, I lived with a man I had met in my travels. We lived together for a time, but it was not working out. We were giving up the apartment in Hermosa Beach, and Larry was going to go back to his parents’ house. So he was helping me find a place to live. He found an ad for a room for rent in Redondo Beach. That that night we drove near the address. We parked the car down the street. We walked together to see the house.

It was a dark night. No moon. Windy. We came upon this old, two-story house – “that’s the right address.” “Oh my gosh!” The dark brown paint was peeling off it, there were no apparent lights on, the curtains were drawn closed. It looked spooky. The front yard was overrun with weeds, the verandah was overrun with crawling plants. It really freaked me out. It really did! I took one look at it and said, “No, Larry - I don’t want to even knock on the door. Let’s go.”

About six months later, I visited that house again under very different circumstances. By then I had met Maitreya. Life was a joy, “hanging out” with Maitreya and his friends, still unaware of who he really was.

It’s the 4th of July. Maitreya says, “Let’s all drive down to my house in Redondo Beach. We can watch the fireworks from the front yard.” “Great,” I’m thinking, “ I’ve wanted to see his home for some time.” We all jump in his old VW Van and drive the 20 miles to his house.      Lo and behold! It is the same house! His house! His house! And it was beautiful on the inside! Light and full of love and joy. It excited my mind! I decided I wanted to live there.

God had led me to Maitreya six months earlier, and I ignored His Guidance! So He led me to him again in a different way, in different circumstances that I could accept. Wow! How many people get a second chance!  I know with a total certainty that God was looking out for me. Helping me. Answering my prayer! I ignored His Guidance and His Help the first time, and still He led me to Maitreya a second time. In an area the size of Los Angeles, filled with millions of people, it is amazing for that to happen - without God’s help!

Maitreya has since taught me, “Never turn down a gift, ignore an insight, ignore guidance, because once you ignore it, it will be much harder to get it again. When a door opens, and you won’t go through, it shuts on you and the opportunity may not come again.”  I nearly missed my chance to find Maitreya, to receive His Holy Initiation. He has saved me from suffering and sorrow in this life, and given me the opportunity to go Home to God at the end of my life, and to help others to do the same.

I am truly Blessed that God gave me a second chance to find Maitreya. Jai Bhagavan Ji!

Tara Friend

(P.S. – Maitreya’s house is just like him. On the outside, he looks like any ordinary man. He often says, “I’m just a corn-fed Iowa boy.” But inside, he is like a beacon of light that shines out with compassion and grace. Some people do to him what I did to his house the first time – miss the beauty, miss his Spirituality, miss his compassion and love for all souls. And concentrate on the outward appearance only. Based on expectations, pre-set ideas of how a Maitreya “should be” and missing the Real Maitreya.)



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